
Typically insurance companies offer 70 to 85 cents on the dollar for a total loss claim. Be aware of the Appraisal Clause in your policy which allows you to challenge the insurance company's offer by hiring your own independent auto appraiser. Our results show that after our appraisals, insurance companies settle for an average of 19% more than their original offer. Protect your investment! Get it appraised!

Bankruptcy offers a path to regaining financial stability and starting anew. Yet, having recent bankruptcy on your record can complicate securing a loan for a new vehicle purchase. Keeping your current vehicle during this process often presents a simpler solution.

Thank you Joe for today leaving South Florida Car Appraisers - Auto Appraisal Network our 83rd 5 Star Review! Even our lowest rating was 5 Star! Unsure how that works if all 83 are 5 Stars, but we'll take it!

You click the ignition key one turn to the right. A quick twitch of the right foot to tickle the accelerator pump and set the choke. Another touch on the key and . . .Nothing! What should be a crescendo of 4-, 6- or 8-cylinders version of taps and stirring the car person’s soul awake is instead the painful silence punctuated by the soft click of the ignition cylinder returning to the off position. Wake up, it’s just a nightmare.

Possibly a few surprises here? If you currently drive a model on this list., whether you agree or disagree, kindly share your comments.

An appraisal for that white cargo van may be needed in various situations such as determining its value for divorce, bankruptcy, probate, diminshed value, total loss, insurance purposes, before selling or buying it, for financing, or for taxation purposes.

Changing the original color of a classic car can have both positive and negative effects on its value. Here are some key points to consider: 1. Positive effects: - A new paint job can freshen up the appearance of the car and make it more appealing to potential buyers. Click on the link to read on.

If your Porsche has an accident listed on its Carfax, it has almost certainly incurred some Diminished Value, and is worth less than an identical model in similar condition and mileage.

Are classic cars good investments? Historic Automobile Group International (HAGI) Classic car market prices overall corrected during 2023. The HAGI Top Index lost 2.41% during December and 6.22% in 2023. Performance during 2023 should also be seen in context with financial asset allocation and performance. Despite several negative predictions from leading analysts, global stocks showed strong performance during 2023 with the S&P global 1200 up 20.68% in USD terms.

If you're tired of haggling with the insurance company to get paid for your car, motorcycle, RV, or boat claim, you need to invoke your right to an appraisal. All insurance companies in Florida, like most states, are required by law to have a policy clause called "The Right to an Appraisal" or simply “Appraisal Clause.”